An Introduction to Tamil Dalit Literature

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This book traces the evolution of Tamil Dalit writings from the early decades of the twentieth century to the contemporary period and explores its impact on the academia. As an introduction to Tamil Dalit literature, this book will provide a comprehensive analysis of the socio-cultural conditions that led to the emergence of contemporary Tamil Dalit

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This book traces the evolution of Tamil Dalit writings from the early decades of the twentieth century to the contemporary period and explores its impact on the academia. As an introduction to Tamil Dalit literature, this book will provide a comprehensive analysis of the socio-cultural conditions that led to the emergence of contemporary Tamil Dalit literature and the dominant themes and seminal trends within the genre. In recent times, Dalit literature has been included in the university curriculum, as part of the English and Tamil literary studies. Since the university is a potential site for social change, it is significant to enquire whether Dalit literature has brought about ideological transformations in the readers. This book explores the reception of Dalit literature among students and examines whether reading Dalit literature can bring about social change

  • Hardcover: Paperback
  • Publisher: Emerald Publishers
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10:
  • Dimensions: NA
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